4 min read
Coroutines Under the Hood

Blog Series: Mastering Kotlin Coroutines

Advanced Coroutine Internals

In this article, we will dive deep into the internal workings of Kotlin coroutines. Understanding how coroutines operate under the hood not only enhances your expertise but also empowers you to debug and optimize coroutine-heavy applications effectively.

1. The Building Blocks of Coroutines

At its core, a Kotlin coroutine is built upon the following components:

a) Continuation

  • A Continuation represents a single unit of coroutine execution. When a coroutine is suspended, its state is encapsulated in a Continuation object.
  • This allows coroutines to pause and resume execution seamlessly.

b) CoroutineContext

  • A CoroutineContext defines the environment in which a coroutine runs.
  • It combines elements like Job, Dispatcher, and user-defined keys.

c) State Machine

  • When compiled, coroutines are converted into state machines. Each suspending point corresponds to a state in the machine.

Example: Inspecting Continuation

suspend fun exampleSuspendFunction() {
    println("Before suspension")
    println("After suspension")

fun main() {
    val continuation = Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) { result ->
        println("Continuation result: $result")

2. How Suspending Functions Work

Suspending functions are at the heart of coroutines. When a suspending function is invoked, it doesn’t block the thread. Instead, it suspends execution and saves the current state into a Continuation.

Decompiling Suspending Functions

Let’s take a look at how the compiler transforms a suspending function into a state machine:

suspend fun printNumbers() {
    for (i in 1..3) {

After compilation:

public final Object printNumbers(Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
    switch (label) {
        case 0:
            delay(1000, continuation);
            label = 1;
            return COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
        case 1:

Each delay call corresponds to a state, and the label tracks the coroutine’s progress.

3. Dispatcher Implementation

A dispatcher determines the thread pool or thread where a coroutine runs. Let’s explore the internals of Dispatchers.Default and Dispatchers.IO.


  • Backed by a shared pool of threads.
  • Optimized for CPU-intensive tasks.


  • Uses a larger pool of threads compared to Dispatchers.Default.
  • Ideal for I/O operations, which are often blocking.

Custom Dispatcher Example

You can create a custom dispatcher for specialized needs:

val customDispatcher = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2).asCoroutineDispatcher()

fun main() = runBlocking {
    withContext(customDispatcher) {
        println("Running on custom dispatcher")

4. Coroutine Scheduling

Coroutines leverage cooperative multitasking. Unlike threads, coroutines don’t preemptively interrupt each other. Instead, they yield control at suspension points.

Example: Cooperative Multitasking

suspend fun task1() {
    repeat(3) {
        println("Task 1 - Step $it")

suspend fun task2() {
    repeat(3) {
        println("Task 2 - Step $it")

fun main() = runBlocking {
    launch { task1() }
    launch { task2() }


Task 1 - Step 0
Task 2 - Step 0
Task 1 - Step 1
Task 2 - Step 1

5. Debugging Coroutine Internals

a) Debug Probes

Enable debugging probes to inspect active coroutines:


b) Thread Dumps

Use thread dumps to identify stuck or long-running coroutines.

c) Structured Logging

Incorporate structured logging for tracing coroutine activity:

val loggingContext = CoroutineName("LoggingExample")

fun main() = runBlocking(loggingContext) {
    launch(CoroutineName("ChildCoroutine")) {
        println("Running child coroutine")

6. Advanced Exception Handling

Combine CoroutineExceptionHandler with supervisorScope for resilient coroutine management:

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
        println("Caught exception: ${exception.message}")

    supervisorScope {
        launch(handler) {
            throw RuntimeException("Failure in child")
        launch {
            println("Independent child running")

7. Performance Considerations

  1. Minimize Suspension Overhead:

    • Avoid frequent suspension points in tight loops.
  2. Batch Operations:

    • Combine operations to reduce context switches.
  3. Avoid Blocking Calls:

    • Replace Thread.sleep with delay.


Understanding the internals of Kotlin coroutines equips you with the tools to write efficient, reliable, and maintainable asynchronous code. By mastering concepts like continuations, dispatchers, and coroutine scheduling, you can optimize performance and debug complex issues effectively.

This concludes our deep dive into Kotlin coroutines. Thank you for joining this series!