5 min read
Are you ordering your Compose Modifiers correctly?

Recently, I encountered a series of seemingly simple bugs reported by my Product Manager during routine work. These bugs were mainly around managing Focus , adjusting visibility or changing colors of Composables based on certain business logic. 

I was sure these would be some easy fixes in the business logic, but nope! That part of the codebase was fine and the unit tests confirmed that. 

I spent more time than I’d have like to discover that the issue stemmed from the order in which modifiers were applied, causing unexpected updates.

So here’s an article about how the order of Modifiers can affect your Composables and how to not end up spending hours on an easy fix like yours truly.

Understanding Modifiers in Jetpack Compose

Modifiers in Jetpack Compose are used to:

  • Alter the layout size and alignment of composables.
  • Add padding, borders, or backgrounds.
  • Handle user interactions like clicks or gestures.
  • Customize drawing or animation effects.

Modifiers are applied sequentially, and each modifier transforms the composable based on the current state. The sequence matters because subsequent modifiers act on the output of the previous ones.

Impact of Modifier Order

**1. Layout Modifiers: padding and **size

Consider the following example:

fun PaddingBeforeSize() {
        modifier = Modifier

Here’s what happens:

  1. The composable adds 16.dp padding around the content.
  2. The size of the box is then set to 100.dp x 100.dp, excluding the padding.

Now, reverse the order of padding and size:

fun SizeBeforePadding() {
        modifier = Modifier

In this case:

  1. The size of the box is set to 100.dp x 100.dp.
  2. The padding is added inside this size, effectively reducing the space available for content.

Visual Difference:

  • In the first case, padding adds space outside the 100.dp box.
  • In the second case, padding reduces the effective content area within the box.

2. Background and Padding

Consider the following:

fun BackgroundBeforePadding() {
        modifier = Modifier

Here, the background fills the entire box, including the area outside the padding.

Switching the order:

fun PaddingBeforeBackground() {
        modifier = Modifier

Now, the padding shrinks the area where the background is drawn, so the blue background only appears inside the padded content.

3. Clickable Modifier

When using clickable in conjunction with layout modifiers like padding, the order determines where the click is detected.


fun ClickableBeforePadding() {
        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { println("Box clicked!") }

In this case:

  • The clickable area spans the entire composable, including the padding.
  • Clicking the padded area triggers the clickable action.

Reversing the order:

fun PaddingBeforeClickable() {
        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { println("Box clicked!") }


  • The clickable area is constrained to the padded content area.
  • Clicking the outer padding does not trigger the clickable action.

Best Practices for Modifier Ordering

  1. Understand the Hierarchy: Think of each modifier as a step in a transformation pipeline.

    • Outer modifiers affect the composable as a whole.
    • Inner modifiers are closer to the content and refine the inner behavior.
  2. Test Visual and Interaction Effects: Use tools like Preview to verify how different orders affect the UI.

  3. Common Patterns:

    • Apply size or padding before background to avoid visual clipping.
    • Place clickable as the last modifier for precise interaction handling.

Real-World Example

Here’s a more complex example showcasing multiple modifiers:

fun ModifierOrderExample() {
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(8.dp)              // Adds space around the composable.
            .size(100.dp)               // Defines the size of the box.
            .background(Color.Gray)     // Background fills the box area.
            .clickable { println("Clicked!") } // Handles clicks within the box.

Changing the order to:

fun ModifierOrderExampleReversed() {
        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { println("Clicked!") } // Click spans the outermost composable.
            .background(Color.Gray)           // Background fills the clickable area.
            .size(100.dp)                     // Constrains the box size.
            .padding(8.dp)                    // Adds space inside the box.

Results in:

  1. Clickable spans the outer area, not just the padded content.
  2. Background includes padding.
  3. Visual and interactive behavior changes.


The order of modifiers in Jetpack Compose is more than just syntax—it’s a critical aspect of how composables behave and render. By understanding and controlling the sequence, you can achieve the desired layout, visuals, and interactions with precision.

When in doubt, experiment with different orders in a Preview. Happy composing!